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outsiderFecha: Viernes, 2008-12-12, 9:49 PM | Mensaje # 1
Grupo: Administradores
Mensajes: 46
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Estatus: Offline
No son secuenciadores en el sentido clásico y estricto de la palabra, pero saltearemos el tecnicismo solo para no dispersar demasiado hilos referentes a fin de cuentas a lo mismo: herramientas de creación musical.
Voy a empezar sin ningún orden en particular por un favorito personal dentro del amplio mundo de los Trackers:

Jeskola Buzz

Primeramente, priorizo la novedad que ha sacudido a los buzzers: el padre de la aplicación Oskari Tammelin recuperó el código 6 meses anterior al ´trágico´y ya mítico crash de su disco duro que confinó a Buzz a un territorio donde hoy legendarios desarroladores gurús de la comunidad (cyanphase, hal dreamer, btdsys y otros) recurrieron a hacks para mantenerlo vivo desde 1999 hasta hoy. La reconstrucción fue anunciada este año en el sitio de Oskari donde se puede y se recomienda bajar la nueva versión denominada Buzz08 por los usuarios.

Buzz actualizado

Presenta una arquitectura abierta a muchos cambios y en constante innovación, con incorporación de nuevas máquinas desarrolladas por los programadores activos en la comunidad. Se recomienda visitar el foro Buzzchurch para estar al día con las novedades.

Buzz es un tracker completamente modular, el primer tracker modular de la historia. La propia historia de Buzz es muy extensa para comentarla en este post. Agregaré que en el interín entre su (relativo) anclaje y el regreso, aparecieron unos cuantos clones de larga enumeración, entre los cuales destacan: Buzé y Psycle para Windows y Buzztard y Aldrin para Linux, si bien estas últimas están bastante más inmaduras. Mute hizo un post bastante ilustrativo acerca de los tantos clones en este tópico en KVR.

Buzz08 vista máquinas con el tema darko.

Buzz08 vista secuenciador con el tema darko.

outsiderFecha: Domingo, 2008-12-14, 4:47 PM | Mensaje # 2
Grupo: Administradores
Mensajes: 46
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Estatus: Offline
Renoise se ha posicionado con el tiempo insdiscutiblemente como una de las mejoras propuestas en el mundo tracker. Originalmente basado en Noisetrekker (uno de los numerosos proyectos de Arguru) y desarrollado para Windows, es en la plataforma Linux donde ofrece más beneficios en su versión demo. Si bien no se puede renderizar de ninguna forma (si no es recurrioendo a Jack, claro), como por ejemplo exportar una selección en los patrones a sample, no ofrece ninguna otra limitación. En cambio en Windows, además de eso no se puede utilizar ASIO.

Pattern View.

Mixer View.

Instrument View.

Sample/Rec View


Automatic PDC (Plugin Delay Compensation)

Plug-ins and external inputs have varying amounts of delay, making your tracks sound really sloppy. With Automatic PDC, instruments and effects in your productions will be tightly synced.
High resolution timing

With the new timing engine added in Renoise 2.0 you can place events with an insane maximum resolution of up to 65,536 PPQ. This high precision allows live recordings to retain their natural, human feel.
Multi-Core Support

Unleash your computer's full potential. Take advantage of all the cores in your system to boost performance, allowing you to add much more and heavier DSPs, tracks, VST FX and VST Instruments than before.

Quick. That sums it up pretty much. Once you get rolling with the keyboard shortcuts, there is no stopping you. And hey, there are no annoying floating windows. Every widget stays where it belongs.
Multi Platform

Renoise runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. If you want to use Renoise on all of them, that is possible too! No need to register a separate copy.

Connect Renoise to hardware synths or VST instruments to send and receive notes and controllers changes. Sync Renoise in either master or slave mode.
Plugin support: VSTi, VSTfx, LADSPA and AudioUnits

Plugins provides you a vast array of effects and synths. With Renoise all that is within reach. Why not map an external MIDI controller to a plugin through the Automate Device and start tweaking for real?
Low latency audio with Multi-I/O ASIO

Soundcards with ASIO benefit from low audio latency and the ability to route individual tracks through any available hardware channel.
Integrated Sampler

Edit and playback samples with the Sample Editor. Because really, why should you let yourself be distracted by switching back and forth to external editors?
External Audio Recording

You can record your sound card's line-in in the Sample Editor. Capture perfectly synched or manually triggered external audio directly into a sample slot. Or route the external signal through the Line-In Device into the DSP Chain.
Instrument Editor

Turn VST Instruments into CPU-friendly multi-sample Instruments with the Instrument Editor.

Renoise's flexible answer to the traditional mixer. Also doubles as an interface for the DSP Chain.
Built-in DSP Effects

Reverb, delay, compressor, distortion, flanger, phaser, EQ. Use as many of them as you like - or your pc can handle.
Track routing

The Send and Master tracks pave the way for unique routing options. Whether you route a single channel or 50 channels to a Send track full of effects, your pc's CPU will hardly know the difference.

Draw curves to tell effects and instruments how their parameters should change during playback.
Rendering to WAV

Export your songs to WAV. Up to 32-bit, 96 kHz, with either cubic or sinc interpolation. Renoise can also save the separate tracks and patterns.
File formats

Renoise accepts many sample and song formats.

outsiderFecha: Miércoles, 2008-12-17, 11:52 AM | Mensaje # 3
Grupo: Administradores
Mensajes: 46
Reputación: 0
Estatus: Offline
DreamStation 1.0 es una estación de trabajo virtual, que incluye un buen sintetizador, un secuenciador de interfase tracker, un procesador de efectos stereo dual y un mezclador stereo de 8 canales.

Up to three oscillators can be used for each voice, where every oscillator is generating sine, triangle, sawtooth, pulse (OSC2&3 square) or noise waveforms. Linear frequency modulation, ring modulation and hard synchronization are available between OSC1&2. You may replace the traditional waveforms with 16 bit mono samples, and use them as the source of ring and frequency modulation. A multimode filtering architecture is responsible for eliminating/exciting specified frequencies of the generated signal by supporting 2 pole lowpass, bandpass, highpass, 4 pole lowpass and formant filter modes. Three ADSR envelope generators (each one individual for the amplifier, filter and a user defined EG for general purpose), one LFO, vibrato and portamento are the modulation sections.

All this is controlled by the built-in 32 tracks step-time sequencer. The composer can easily track any actions/events (such as filter sweeping, retriggering, mixer programming, instrument selecting) step by step. This built-in sequencer is synchronizable to external MIDI clock.

The effects processors provides programmable effect types such as delay (mono, stereo, spatial, Ping-Pong), chorus (single, dual voice, mono, stereo), phaser (mono, spatial), flanger (mono, stereo), and reverb (room, hall, plate). Up to three different effects can be used simultaneously, two of them are linked serially and form a separate effects processor.

Just like on a real mixing console, you have eight channels which you can group any number of instruments to, controlling the pan, volume as well as individual sends to the effect blocks. The final material can be downmixed and rendered or captured into a stereo wave file, then burned directly to a CD.


Please note that the development of DreamStation 1.0 has been terminated 8 years ago, therefore it may lack of features (such as plugin support) you would expect from a workstation today. If you need a more up to date host please try DreamStation II.

System Requirements

A totally basic PC is adequate to run DreamStation 1.0. Be sure to have at least 128Mb memory and a Direct-X compatible soundcard. It runs under Windows 95/98/ME and XP.

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